Monday, 28 June 2010

time to get rid of the england flags (again)

hey how are you all, i just thort ide drop a few pics on here, at this late hour, its now tuesday morning, the suns comming up, im a bit drunk and yet again england have fucked up the football again, but anyway im not gunna get in2 that apart from 2 say... what a load of bollox ok that was. ok a bad desision by the reff but, it seems out multy million pound players desided not to show up for the world cup and looked like the bunch of over payed premadonas they actualy are, i say drop the lot of them, i meean fuk them if they dont wanna actualy play for the country we can and do deserve better than that... pfft


apart from that, the weathers been good, and ive been sitting in the fox garden spending money i dont have and doodleing pictures for this guy in northampton, nothing properly finalised but ive made a good start,

i also managed to get a poster up over the weekend aswell, the picks below and u can click 2 enlarge the images aswell, summit that ive only just worked out, so click away and have a desent look if u like. the first one is in stony high street, and the 2 below are things from my sketch book, so tell me what u think init:

this last one is something of mine that i forgot all about and did about 3 years ago in an underpass on nys eve, it was my lil present to myself and is still ther even tho sum1s drawn a big willy on it, but hey its still ther so im not that fussed

anyway more stuff in the next day or so so ill do a ore in depth blog about what ive been up2 then. hope ur all good


Tuesday, 8 June 2010

stony live has started

and gang war fair has been seen on the streets of stony all day, they seem 2 have 2 very different stiles of dress, so they are quite easy to spot and tell apart, and a large stick seems to preferd method of weapon heres the photo evidence of there little face off on Saturday:

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

ltj, tom and dan, photoshop cs5 and other rambleings

yip, my computer finaly has a new power cable and now i can watch movies and listen 2 music again, life is goooood

im gunna start this blog with an impressive act of nerdery, heres a bunch of guys at dyson playing with the dyson fans and baloons, tho why ther not actualy working i have no idea, personaly ide escort them out of the building by robots but thats just me

next on the agenda is tom and dans art show at stantonbury, which apart from popular beleif i didnt just go2 because of the free wine,  but ye i was quite intrested in ther new work and genuinly exited about seing it, and 2 be fair was a realy strong show, this is the first time ive really seen any actual representational objects ant caricters in toms work, and i thought it was awsome, and dans stuff was killing it aswell, his skill at painting has come on so much since last time ive seen his work, it realy puts me to shame, and considering how much time they spend on each work, i can apreciate the price tag, here are some of my faves:

next on my list of stuff ive done was the ltj bookem nite in northampton, the box thing that came 2 me in a dream was awsome, however due 2 jack danuels and stuff my painting was a bit sloppy, MUST TRY HARDER

but anyway had a great nite met some realy cool people, and ended up at some house party but by then i was getting pritty hung over and sketchy, finaly got home with a mustache drawn on my face in permanant maker wich i tryed 2 skrub off but unfortunatly a bit 2 hard so now ive got a rash on my upper lip, hopefully it will go soon, b4 i haft2 go and see any1 important lol, 

heres the photo evidance:

i ended up selling a couple of paintings ther but i also got 2 stolen aswell, wen i was off being drunnk sumwere, lesson lernd lol keep an eye in ur shit, but ye anyway all in all i came out up on the nite wich doesnt happen 2 me often but im gunna make it my aim 2 end up in prophet at the end of all these nites from now on, it was defo a good idea to take stuff with me 2 sell, im gunna work on alot more kinda merch based stuff from now on, it definatly makes a difreance to my pocket at the end of the nite

also ive finaly got my money 2gether for tel aviv in august, im gunna get my tiket next week i think, and photoshop 5 is installing as we speek so photographic poster monsters are gunna be the next plan fo sho, and thers a few other tools i cant wait 2 play with.

but ye thats all i got for now, next thing is more paintings for the show on the 19th of june, but prolly some photoshop monsters aswell, epsecialy as me and clive are gunna go2 the hunterium in london to take piks of pickled animals in glass jars next week,,, fun times