Wednesday, 7 September 2011

more dub lions

turns out ive got a residency at the dub lions night at the slug and lettuce first Thursday of every month, which is really cool, as there all really nice guys and put on a great night, the aim is to mix art hiphop and dub to create a great creative atmosphere, something that there atcheaving slowly but surely and i predict that within the year it will be one of the best nights in the city, anyway if your an artist and want to come down, im sure we can find some space for you, or if you just fance a look see and a dance, you will be pleasantly surprised, anyway heres a few picks of the art and a few picks of the croud to wet your apatites, oh yeah i forgot to mention the buy 1 get 1 free on cocktails, and 2 quid a pint as well, not bad man, not bad.

add em up on face book for invites here

collaberation nation

ive been involved with the collaberation nation group on facebook, its a postal arts jam, where you draw a peice on an a3 peice of paper and send it on to the next address, its going well so far and ide like to share with you the results so far

 this is my first piece that i started:

  1. which i then sent on to klue one from Bristol who did this:

i totally love it, i cant wait to see what happens to it next

the only other one ive been able to draw on so far is the piece started by Abe honest, a mix media artist from Wolverhampton anyway heres his first piece:

and this is what i added to it:

as ever if you want to see a larger image of the picture you can click on it, but yeah as i said, cant wait to see what i get next, and if you want to get involved in the next one which starts next year hit them up on their facebook here