Tuesday, 18 May 2010

hakim bey

i thort ide drop an essay from hakim  bey after rediscovering him last nite, this is from the book T.A.Z or  tempoary atonimous zones, and is pritty much the only thing i would read wen i was about 15 take a look:


(Dedicated to Ustad Mahmud Ali Abd al-Khabir)


CHAOS NEVER DIED. Primordial uncarved block, sole worshipful monster, inert & spontaneous, more ultraviolet than any mythology (like the shadows before Babylon), the original undifferentiated oneness-of-being still radiates serene as the black pennants of Assassins, random & perpetually intoxicated.
Chaos comes before all principles of order & entropy, it's neither a god nor a maggot, its idiotic desires encompass & define every possible choreography, all meaningless aethers & phlogistons: its masks are crystallizations of its own facelessness, like clouds.
Everything in nature is perfectly real including consciousness, there's absolutely nothing to worry about. Not only have the chains of the Law been broken, they never existed; demons never guarded the stars, the Empire never got started, Eros never grew a beard.
No, listen, what happened was this: they lied to you, sold you ideas of good & evil, gave you distrust of your body & shame for your prophethood of chaos, invented words of disgust for your molecular love, mesmerized you with inattention, bored you with civilization & all its usurious emotions.
There is no becoming, no revolution, no struggle, no path; already you're the monarch of your own skin--your inviolable freedom waits to be completed only by the love of other monarchs: a politics of dream, urgent as the blueness of sky.
To shed all the illusory rights & hesitations of history demands the economy of some legendary Stone Age--shamans not priests, bards not lords, hunters not police, gatherers of paleolithic laziness, gentle as blood, going naked for a sign or painted as birds, poised on the wave of explicit presence, the clockless nowever.
Agents of chaos cast burning glances at anything or anyone capable of bearing witness to their condition, their fever of lux et voluptas. I am awake only in what I love & desire to the point of terror--everything else is just shrouded furniture, quotidian anaesthesia, shit-for-brains, sub-reptilian ennui of totalitarian regimes, banal censorship & useless pain.
Avatars of chaos act as spies, saboteurs, criminals of amour fou, neither selfless nor selfish, accessible as children, mannered as barbarians, chafed with obsessions, unemployed, sensually deranged, wolfangels, mirrors for contemplation, eyes like flowers, pirates of all signs & meanings.
Here we are crawling the cracks between walls of church state school & factory, all the paranoid monoliths. Cut off from the tribe by feral nostalgia we tunnel after lost words, imaginary bombs.
The last possible deed is that which defines perception itself, an invisible golden cord that connects us: illegal dancing in the courthouse corridors. If I were to kiss you here they'd call it an act of terrorism--so let's take our pistols to bed & wake up the city at midnight like drunken bandits celebrating with a fusillade, the message of the taste of chaos.

Poetic Terrorism

WEIRD DANCING IN ALL-NIGHT computer-banking lobbies. Unauthorized pyrotechnic displays. Land-art, earth-works as bizarre alien artifacts strewn in State Parks. Burglarize houses but instead of stealing, leave Poetic-Terrorist objects. Kidnap someone & make them happy. Pick someone at random & convince them they're the heir to an enormous, useless & amazing fortune--say 5000 square miles of Antarctica, or an aging circus elephant, or an orphanage in Bombay, or a collection of alchemical mss. Later they will come to realize that for a few moments they believed in something extraordinary, & will perhaps be driven as a result to seek out some more intense mode of existence.
Bolt up brass commemorative plaques in places (public or private) where you have experienced a revelation or had a particularly fulfilling sexual experience, etc.
Go naked for a sign.
Organize a strike in your school or workplace on the grounds that it does not satisfy your need for indolence & spiritual beauty.
Grafitti-art loaned some grace to ugly subways & rigid public momuments--PT-art can also be created for public places: poems scrawled in courthouse lavatories, small fetishes abandoned in parks & restaurants, xerox-art under windshield-wipers of parked cars, Big Character Slogans pasted on playground walls, anonymous letters mailed to random or chosen recipients (mail fraud), pirate radio transmissions, wet cement...
The audience reaction or aesthetic-shock produced by PT ought to be at least as strong as the emotion of terror-- powerful disgust, sexual arousal, superstitious awe, sudden intuitive breakthrough, dada-esque angst--no matter whether the PT is aimed at one person or many, no matter whether it is "signed" or anonymous, if it does not change someone's life (aside from the artist) it fails.
PT is an act in a Theater of Cruelty which has no stage, no rows of seats, no tickets & no walls. In order to work at all, PT must categorically be divorced from all conventional structures for art consumption (galleries, publications, media). Even the guerilla Situationist tactics of street theater are perhaps too well known & expected now.
An exquisite seduction carried out not only in the cause of mutual satisfaction but also as a conscious act in a deliberately beautiful life--may be the ultimate PT. The PTerrorist behaves like a confidence-trickster whose aim is not money but CHANGE.
Don't do PT for other artists, do it for people who will not realize (at least for a few moments) that what you have done is art. Avoid recognizable art-categories, avoid politics, don't stick around to argue, don't be sentimental; be ruthless, take risks, vandalize only what mustbe defaced, do something children will remember all their lives--but don't be spontaneous unless the PT Muse has possessed you.
Dress up. Leave a false name. Be legendary. The best PT is against the law, but don't get caught. Art as crime; crime as art.

Saturday, 15 May 2010

no lead = no power x no cash = no fun

it seems that my laptop power lead is totally kerputt rendering it now as a large paper weight, and itl be at least a week b4 i can get a new one, witch is very annoying, but i have done some more canvases and heres the results:

the top ones my fave out of them all, i like the blue in the coat, its not really what this girl wanted so hopefully sheel like it, i think the middle one is ok as well, and the 3rd one i think is just a mess but i thought ide put it up anyway.

so ye its Saturday afternoon and its been a very slow day, my mums downstairs watching the fa cup, and im waiting for nikki to come over so we can watch dr who, hopefully weel head out later tho and do summit fun,

last nite i went 2 see The General the Buster Keaton movie, it was in the church in Wolverton and it had a live piano as well witch was cool, nikki sed she didn't get the jokes but i laughed out loud maybe like 5 times, witch is more than i do for most supposedly funny recent movies, i guess thats why they call it a classic.

no news yet about what happed at the poster exhibition in Manchester last nite, im hoping some people bought a couple of posters as i need the moneys bad atm, no giro till Thursday (bad times) and it looks like im not gunna be able to get 2 London 2morow for the jam with yetti and josh, not good at all,

anyway thats all the news ive got so im gunna go

peice out

Thursday, 13 May 2010


well its neerly 4am and ime coverd in paint again so it must be time to do a blog, today i sorted out my giro and did a couple of paintings, heres the one i like:

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

the birds

went to Brian and Catherines this afternoon to try and get some picks of her penguins in mid flight i took about 600 piks with my camera on burst, see i want do do some big posters of birds flying across the overpasses of milton keynes, but i just couldn't get them as sharp as i wanted, the lil buggers are just way 2 quick for my camera but still it was a really nice evening with dinner and cake and it was nice hanging out with both of them, something that ive not really done b4 but defiantly intend to again if the chance arises, defiantly good times lol

in other news ive got a bunch of new paint and some new caps loads of browns and greys and bronzes and other fun stuff,  so i hope 2 get some more canvases done this week as well, i bloody need to coz my benefits are fuckt and i need some moneys fast, ive gotta head back to hackney on Saturday as im sposed 2 be having a paint with josh and yetti, and ive been looking forward to that all week, but ill see what i can sort out, i know at least one person that would be interested in another painting so i just need to get on it.

thers this other project im thinking about coz ive just found out how cheep it is to get A0 size posters printed at staples £3 how good is that, pretty good huh?? 

the plan is im gunna take loads of pictures of my mates in there pants/ bra and pants if there girls and turn them in2 monsters, give them tenticals for arms and like crab claws and stuff, Nikki ses i should hive sum1 udders for ther chin wich made me giggle, so anyway ye i spent last nite listening 2 the election stuff on radio 4 and trawling the interweb for big pictures of animals that i can cut up and stick bits on2 people with, i think its gunna be fun.

heres a realy ruff up version of what im on about with a pic of clive from the hellingly hospital thing, i think it`l be a lot cooler with pictures of people ive taken especialy for it, i want more human flesh on show aswell so i can do some stuff involving animal paterns on skin and stuff, also i think im gunna haft2 take a trip to the fishmongers and get some fresh crabs and baby octopusses so i can get my own shots of that, suprisingly enough ther arnt that many big photos of full lengths of tenticals online, lol u dont wanna know where i had 2 cut that one out from ewwwwww, anyway heres the pik:

anyway its 3am and ive gotta get up in the morning and row with people in the job centre inabit ye

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

i changed my mind

i changed my mind about the poster and did a re-jig on photo shop i think its better, i like the greys at the bottom and also i put back the skull spinal chord thing on the side, clive said it was creepy as hell, but he always ses that about my stuff lol

also ive been properly confirmed to paint on saterday at the bear foot festival, i cant wait first time ive painted at a festival, should be fun heres a link to the festival for u 2 have a look at if u like:


anyway im gunna watch the end of the south park imagination land episode, have a good one ye

Tuesday, 4 May 2010


last nite i saw the joy division film, it was pritty good, well acted but i ended up getting the feeling the ian curtas was a bit of a cunt, i wont spoil it for u if u dont know but he definatly made some bad choices, but it has made me like ther music alot more than i did and now i can say im definatly a fan my fave songs she lost control heres a vid:

so after seing this movie i had 2 do poster to go in a poster exibition in manchester, ive gotta send a jpeg to them ther gunna screen print up 20 of them and try and sell them i get 2 and i get some moneys off of the sales, so i woke up at nikkis drank some vodka listened 2 joy division all day and did this...

that is all for 2day