went to Brian and Catherines this afternoon to try and get some picks of her penguins in mid flight i took about 600 piks with my camera on burst, see i want do do some big posters of birds flying across the overpasses of milton keynes, but i just couldn't get them as sharp as i wanted, the lil buggers are just way 2 quick for my camera but still it was a really nice evening with dinner and cake and it was nice hanging out with both of them, something that ive not really done b4 but defiantly intend to again if the chance arises, defiantly good times lol
in other news ive got a bunch of new paint and some new caps loads of browns and greys and bronzes and other fun stuff, so i hope 2 get some more canvases done this week as well, i bloody need to coz my benefits are fuckt and i need some moneys fast, ive gotta head back to hackney on Saturday as im sposed 2 be having a paint with josh and yetti, and ive been looking forward to that all week, but ill see what i can sort out, i know at least one person that would be interested in another painting so i just need to get on it.
thers this other project im thinking about coz ive just found out how cheep it is to get A0 size posters printed at staples £3 how good is that, pretty good huh??
the plan is im gunna take loads of pictures of my mates in there pants/ bra and pants if there girls and turn them in2 monsters, give them tenticals for arms and like crab claws and stuff, Nikki ses i should hive sum1 udders for ther chin wich made me giggle, so anyway ye i spent last nite listening 2 the election stuff on radio 4 and trawling the interweb for big pictures of animals that i can cut up and stick bits on2 people with, i think its gunna be fun.
heres a realy ruff up version of what im on about with a pic of clive from the hellingly hospital thing, i think it`l be a lot cooler with pictures of people ive taken especialy for it, i want more human flesh on show aswell so i can do some stuff involving animal paterns on skin and stuff, also i think im gunna haft2 take a trip to the fishmongers and get some fresh crabs and baby octopusses so i can get my own shots of that, suprisingly enough ther arnt that many big photos of full lengths of tenticals online, lol u dont wanna know where i had 2 cut that one out from ewwwwww, anyway heres the pik:
anyway its 3am and ive gotta get up in the morning and row with people in the job centre inabit ye
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