Sunday, 10 July 2011

lines and lines and lines

howdy, i found this pic from back in the day, so i thought ide share it, right down to buizness, heres a list of a few things ive got coming up in july, first of all next weekend im painting a wall in Peterborough on the 16th as part of ther overground arts festival, thers a video and it looks quite a cool event, lots of stuff for people to do and have go with, i havent got a plan yet but that hasent stopped me before hehe anyway heres the link and the video and the artist list:

Carl, Arran Macphail, Chris Quick, Christine Mcintosh, Cone 23, Dom Williams, Emily Majewicz, Everly Dark, Tower, Gary Law, Durz, Tank Petrol, Jam Free, Jon Clynch, Joseph Key, Korp, Krishna Malla and Technicolour Moon Collective, Lee Mason, Lukus, Kinska, Pelagic, Nyces, Phat, Polly Dolby, Curs, Process, Prue Pye, Reko, Sean Johnson, Hush, Soap, T.wat, Vic Rupsin, Ian Boyd Walker, Gen Lavery, Joanne Fowler, Irony, Dine, Item, Seud, Ziner, Okame, Skank, and possibly some very special guests.

so yeah looks like fun, and will be a nice chance to meet some new people and have a beer  cant wait

and then the week after that im painting on some more models at the blank canvas night on the 23rd of july the last one was realy good fun so im well happy to be doing this one, hers the facebook link:

and then finaly thers the stall im doing on the 29th 30th and 31st of this month, so ye ive been working my ass off trying to get some actual product available to sell, at the moment ive got a few stencil canvases and a few prints, hopefully more prints, as im trying to actualy tell a kinda story with them, ive also re designed the dolls and ther alot more detailed and loooking realy cool i think anyway hehe take a look see what you think:

and the prints:

lots and lots of lines, as you can see, and another 2 prints to do before the stall, not to mention the screen printing, hehe loads of stuff to do still, also these  are the picks of the stencil canvases, ive done 4 but i think im gunna do another 4 and then pick the best:

heres the link to the festival facebook page with all the info, with all the bands and stuff:

oh and finaly i did a lil interview about upfest for we are biplay go check it out if you like, heres the link:

so ye alot on atm, hopefully ill see some of you lot at some of the things im doing, and if not i hope you have a good summer

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