i might be doing some live painting at the bearfoot goddess festival in leister in aug, from what i can gather its like a hippy learn 2 dance in any stile u want kinda affair, and looks like it will be stacked full off hippy women, aligning ther shackrahs and eating tofu, but still it sounds like fun and a good excuse 2 get outa mk for a weekend, they wanna take a look at some of my work so ive just pulled all the old live bords outa the garrage (it needed a tidy up anyway) and took a couple of pics of the ones i liked heres the pics:
Monday, 26 April 2010
Sunday, 25 April 2010
the pictures
Saturday, 24 April 2010
sevens and tweleves
this is the report from the budget art auction in hackeny i had 3 paintings ther, first the juicy bits what they went for:



so bearing in mind it was 50% to fund the gallery opening, is a grand total of £26 not a geat deal of money, but the night was fucking crazy, ive never been 2 a nite like that in my life,
we go ther just after the auction started and wen we got in it was like a baying mob man i swaer, when my first painting went up i havent been that skerd for ages, and then wen it went for like £7 to my mate who i think was tryin 2 bid it up, i coulda left right then, ugg it was horrible, its definaatly the most nervouse ive been for ages, it was like when i first started live painting, it was good
i calmed down a bit lol, his peice was fucking deadly tho, but i think it was just bad timeing that it went soo early coz after a few that kinda price a couple of £40`s and things my next one went for £15, a big sigh of releife swept across me like phew double. beer tasted better and went down easyer.
i think after the short break people stared getting real pissed coz a bunch of nonsance conseptual shit started going for silly money after that, the graffiti lot were amazed. man i wish i had sum picks but as i sed it was prity hectic ima gunna find some and post them fo sho
the next thing 2 go was leons record:

i think this went for like £25 but it mayb £35, and was the only thing my misses wanted 2 bid on, outbid unfortunatly but thats the way the cookie crumbles lol
after drinking joshes last beer it got a bit messy, me and nikki got the mops out and started making art, my favorite was this
it was realy cool how the chrome was soo much more corosive that the pink, and we both stood ther watching the polosyrine cup slowly melt, i was soo facintated i pointed it out to a number of people with varing degrees of intrest, dammit how embarrising lol
heres some picktures from the small trail of destruction we left through hackney on the way 2 the bus:

so ye i think thats enough from me, just one last thanks to josh and every1 for the nite, it was proper cool, i didnt get a pik of his peice but heres a pik of summit dope he did i realy like:

Thursday, 15 April 2010
Tuesday, 13 April 2010
some random old piks i found
yesterday i fixed my mums camera, it wasnt realy broken i had just lost all the leads to it and unfortunnatly samsung have desided not 2 fit a usb on the camera and had ther own crazy plug, but ye anyway i found it, turns out i had like 450 picters on ther that ide compleatly forgotten about, most of them were drunken bullshit but ther were a couple of some shows i did last summer that i forgot about so i thort ide put them up on here ...
this is a live bord i did for the tower drive learning dissabled school for ther open day, this was such a cool day and i had loads of fun hanging out with the guys, it reminded me that i relly enjoed doing care work, i got them all to paint another bord but i cant find a picture of it anywere grr i remember it was realy cool tho, ther was this one girl who thort she was a roller coster, so it was all based around that
this is like my first ever proper play with spraypaint, it was a hot day and kade had managed to blag a legal wall in like the scruffyist dirtyist underpass in the world, i remember putting my brush on the floor and when i picked it up again ther was a johnny stuck 2 the end, ewwwww not nice lol, but i think the peice turned out ok, i desided 2 do like a collage for the girls face on the left with news paper , turned out ok, im definatly gunna try and do summit like that again at some point.
these last 2 are from the farm, the 2 girls are my gf nikki and her old art teacher who wanted some help 2 make some decorations for her 40th birthday party, we all made the giant bee, and i painted up the plinths
lol anyway thats my lil trip down memory lane for a bit, in other news i might be doing some live painting at ltj bookem in northampton in may wich would be realy cool, i dunno for sure tho yet but ill keep u posted
Monday, 12 April 2010
the art show at the house
well, that was quite cool, my stuff went up and a sold a couple of peices witch is great, ive gotta thank ted and pam for opening up ther house to all these people, it ended up looking realy good,im definatly gunna do ther art bbq in the summer, its like 2 days after my bday aswell so ill prolly be quite hung over lol
next up its the sevens and twelves show in hackney, now this looks realy good fun, its being run by my friend josh sight, whos works realy cool and does some awsome work of girls and stuff, anyway ive gotta get my ass 2 hakney for that at the end of the week.
this is the link:
unfortunalty im not gunna be able to do my screen printing orkshop this month because i cant afford it, booo, next time tho fo sho, anyways ive gotta go fix my mums printer and then im gunna go do some digging in the garden
Thursday, 8 April 2010
yo we made the paper

yeahman woop woop!!!! mk news page 32.
that was kinda cool suprise, that happend yesterday, also yesterday we took the dawg back 2 the vet shees got 2 more weeks of bandage, poor lil thing lol

it stared out as like one og thoes faces, and went through like 3 or 4 difrent disguises it was a face, a teddy bear, a foot and then finaly settled as this pair of carictrers, i have had this idea about using some of the old peices of fence pannels in the garden as frames, but alex was saying that he didnt like the rustic look and it was a bit pratentious and he was prolly right, soo anyway ho humm lol, i might give that another go another time anyway, i think paintings should have frames, im gunna have a few more plays around with that lol
this is the one that i did i liked:

ive also desided to show some slightly older stuff aswell, only because its kinda on the same vein,here are the piks:

so yeah along with a couple of the slightly bigger ones ive been working on i think ive done some ok work, but weel see what they look like when i put them up,
its like 3.30 in the morning and ive gotta get up at like 10 2 sort out the last few lil bits to get ther for about 12
more news 2morow....
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