

so bearing in mind it was 50% to fund the gallery opening, is a grand total of £26 not a geat deal of money, but the night was fucking crazy, ive never been 2 a nite like that in my life,
we go ther just after the auction started and wen we got in it was like a baying mob man i swaer, when my first painting went up i havent been that skerd for ages, and then wen it went for like £7 to my mate who i think was tryin 2 bid it up, i coulda left right then, ugg it was horrible, its definaatly the most nervouse ive been for ages, it was like when i first started live painting, it was good
i calmed down a bit lol, his peice was fucking deadly tho, but i think it was just bad timeing that it went soo early coz after a few that kinda price a couple of £40`s and things my next one went for £15, a big sigh of releife swept across me like phew double. beer tasted better and went down easyer.
i think after the short break people stared getting real pissed coz a bunch of nonsance conseptual shit started going for silly money after that, the graffiti lot were amazed. man i wish i had sum picks but as i sed it was prity hectic ima gunna find some and post them fo sho
the next thing 2 go was leons record:

i think this went for like £25 but it mayb £35, and was the only thing my misses wanted 2 bid on, outbid unfortunatly but thats the way the cookie crumbles lol
after drinking joshes last beer it got a bit messy, me and nikki got the mops out and started making art, my favorite was this
it was realy cool how the chrome was soo much more corosive that the pink, and we both stood ther watching the polosyrine cup slowly melt, i was soo facintated i pointed it out to a number of people with varing degrees of intrest, dammit how embarrising lol
heres some picktures from the small trail of destruction we left through hackney on the way 2 the bus:

so ye i think thats enough from me, just one last thanks to josh and every1 for the nite, it was proper cool, i didnt get a pik of his peice but heres a pik of summit dope he did i realy like:

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