yeahman woop woop!!!! mk news page 32.
that was kinda cool suprise, that happend yesterday, also yesterday we took the dawg back 2 the vet shees got 2 more weeks of bandage, poor lil thing lol

it stared out as like one og thoes faces, and went through like 3 or 4 difrent disguises it was a face, a teddy bear, a foot and then finaly settled as this pair of carictrers, i have had this idea about using some of the old peices of fence pannels in the garden as frames, but alex was saying that he didnt like the rustic look and it was a bit pratentious and he was prolly right, soo anyway ho humm lol, i might give that another go another time anyway, i think paintings should have frames, im gunna have a few more plays around with that lol
this is the one that i did i liked:

ive also desided to show some slightly older stuff aswell, only because its kinda on the same vein,here are the piks:

so yeah along with a couple of the slightly bigger ones ive been working on i think ive done some ok work, but weel see what they look like when i put them up,
its like 3.30 in the morning and ive gotta get up at like 10 2 sort out the last few lil bits to get ther for about 12
more news 2morow....
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